When the compact disc technology came into being, it was regarded as one among the important technological breakthroughs of that time. The CD technology at that time, because of the abundant data that could be stored on a compact disc was huge when compared to other magnetic tape or magnetic disc technology, was considered to be revolutionary. It in fact proved to be a game changer for the data, music and video industry.

The compact disc apart from having huge data storage capabilities, it was more durable compared to other media of storage, it gave better clarity in terms of both sound and video. But as times changed, so did peoples aspirations in terms of data storage capacity, clarity in terms of audio and video. As the saying goes, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’, it led to the pioneering of a new technology for storage of data, which was superior to compact disc technology in terms of capacity of storage, durability, quality of audio and video capabilities. This is today known as blue ray technology. The blue ray discs are almost similar in terms of appearance to regular compact disc, but are technologically far advanced to the compact disc. Blue ray discs require a device called blu ray players to be accessed. Blu ray players are widely available in the market today, being manufactured and sold by almost all the major electronic brands. The blu ray players like compact disc players make use of laser technology for reading the blu ray discs. The major difference being that they use a blue laser instead of a red laser used in regular CD or DVD players, to read the data stored on the blu ray discs. The advanced technology of the blue ray variant has led to the wide spread adoption of it across various fields of entertainment and businesses.