The blu ray disc also abbreviated as the BD is an optical storage device which stores data on the surface of the light sensitive 12cm standard disc. These look the same as DVD’s in physical appearance but are indeed different. Blu ray disc can store up to 50 GB of data on a disc. This is considering both the sides are used to store data. Otherwise a single side can store 25 GB of data ideally. These are widely used thanks to the amount of storage space they offer. Compared to the standard DVD’s they offer a lot more space. DVDs offer about 4.7 GB of space to store data. The first blu ray product made its debut in 2000. Ever since then they have caught on and are growing increasingly popular. They were officially released in 2006.

Unlike the DVD the blu ray reads the data using a blue laser light. The data storage density is greater than in DVDs. The DVD uses red laser light to read the data off the disc. Ever since the advent of the blu ray discs in the market there are many blu ray players that are being released. These blu ray players are specially designed to play the data which is stored in blu ray format. Since the data stored in blu ray has a higher resolution as compared to the DVD it requires a different player.

One of the other advantages of the blu ray format is that they are stored in a higher resolution which means clearer images. Shaper features in every image that plays. This is another added advantage over the DVD. This format has been growing since its first release. They have only made life better with better viewing quality and better storage capacity in smaller size. So go out and buy yourself a blu ray players and enjoy life in high definition.